Clothes - Activity Pack for Mandarin Beginners
Activities included in this pack have been purposefully designed and selected for teaching and learning the Clothes unit. With assistance of the provided materials, students learn to identify and name different pieces of clothing, recognize different verb-noun collocations and to describe what people wear using familiar sentence structures.
This set includes:
- Worksheets with instructions
Note: for all included worksheets, students can write in either Chinese characters or Pinyin according to their levels.
- Answer keys
- A set of Mix&Mach Cards
- A set of worksheets for the Dress the Mannequin activity
Language points covered in this pack:
Core Vocabulary
裤子(kù zi) - pant
裙子(qún zi) - skirt
连衣裙(lián yī qún) - dress
校服(xiào fú) - uniform
T恤(tì xù) - t-shirt
毛衣(máo yī) - sweater
外套(wài tào) - jacket
手套(shǒu tào) - glove
帽子(mào zi) - hat
袜子(wà zi) - sock
围巾(wéi jīn) - scarf
鞋(xié) - shoe
Extension Vocabulary
穿(chuān) - wear
戴(dài) - wear
Sentence Structure
Personal pronoun + 穿/戴+ Clothes
e.g. 他穿毛衣。
Total Pages: 40 pages
Answer Key: Included
Teaching Duration: 1 Term
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